New evaluation system for BTech at JNTU-H

 Students to be evaluated for 100 marks in every subject


The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University UNTU-Hyderabad has brought in new regulations (822) for the undergraduate engineering courses indul ing enhancement of Contin uous Internal Evaluation marks with effect from the academic year 2022-23


Students performance in every subject or course, practical, and project will be evaluated for 100 marks cach with 40 marks allotted for the CIE and 60 marks for the Semester End-Examina tion (SEE)


Earlier, for the theory and practical subjects, the CIE was allotted 25 marks and the SEE had 25 marks


As part of the CIE for the ory subjects, students will have two mid-term exami nations with each compris ing part-A (objective/quiz paper) for 10 marios, part- descriptive paper) for 15 marks. Students must securo 38 per cent le nine marks out of 25 marks from an average of two mid-term esaminations. In addition to assignments for five marks, a new assessment in the form of viva voce, power point presentation, poster presentation, or cane study on a topic in the subject con cerned carrying 10 marks has been included in the mid-term examinations.

There are changes to the marking system in the SEE for theory subjects as well. The SEE for 60 marks con stats of part-A for 10 marks and part-B for 50 marks Part-A comprises 10 com pulsory sub-questions from all units carrying equal marks, while part- con- tains five questions with each question carrying 10 marks. For some courses, in the first year, ist semester, and for real-time or held based research project courses in the second-year second semester, the uni versity has decided to assess students with mid-term ex-aminations only that will be conducted for 50 marks This means there will be no external evaluation In the case of practical cabinets, out of 40 marks for internal evaluation, 10 marka each are allocated to write up on day-to-day ex periments in lab, viva-voce or tutorial or case study or application or poster pres entation, internal practical exam, and laboratory prof ect. Similarly, 60 marks in the SEE are divided as 10 marks for the write up. 15 for the experiment, 1 for evaluation of results, 10 marks for presentation, and10 marks for viva-voce The university also in cluded real-time research projects and industry-ori ented mini projects in the second-year and third-year undergraduate programmes respectively. Meanwhile, the university is organising the concluding ceremony of its golden Jubilee celebra tions on its campus on Fr day and Saturday.